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Staffing Calculators

ANMF (SA Branch) N/MHPPD Calculators – Ready Reckoner (Daily), 14 and 28 Day Staffing Plan.

To assist members the ANMF (SA Branch) has developed tools to assist in the calculation and conversion of N/MHPPD (NMEA Appendix 2) to a staff plan for your patient care area.

Daily Staffing Snapshot ‘Ready Reckoner’ Tool
assists in checking and balancing of nursing/midwifery hours

To use the tool, enter the Nursing/Midwifery Hours per Patient Day (N/MHPPD) as per NMEA Appendix 2 and the expected number of occupied beds or equivalent for your patient care area for that day.

This tool provides a snapshot and therefore an indication only of the average staff plan recognising that the nursing and midwifery hours are balanced over either a 14 or 28 day period.

14 and 28 Day N/MHPPD Calculators
  • 14 Day Calculator assists in converting N/MHPPD to a 14 day staff plan or roster
  • 28 Day Calculator assists in converting N/MHPPD to a 28 day staff plan or roster

To use these tools, enter the Nursing/Midwifery Hours per Patient Day (N/MHPPD) as per NMEA Appendix 2 and the expected number of occupied beds or equivalent for your patient care area . This gives you the number of nursing/midwifery hours that you are available to be balanced over 14 or 28 day period. The CSC (or equivalent), in consultation with nurses/midwives working on the ward/unit/patient care area, can use the tools to allocate nursing/midwifery hours across the different shifts in the course of 14 or 28 days.

How to access these tools

The tools are available in one excel workbook, for you to download and use offline, here .
Alternatively, you may use each calculator online from the following links:

NEW Aged Care Staffing Calculator

The ANMF (SA Branch) have released a Residential Aged Care Staffing Calculator© which provides the opportunity for you to analyse your current staffing and skills mix and compare it against what should be in place to meet the assessed resident care and service needs; thereby delivering quality aged care.

Click here to calculate how your aged care facility staffing hours compare to what the government is proposing