Training at ANMEC 

South Australia’s Small Training Provider of the Year 2023, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Education Centre (ANMEC) is proud to deliver a growing number of high-quality graduates in nursing, personal care worker and sterilisation fields.

A service of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (SA Branch), ANMEC delivers a range of educational offerings to suit your needs.

Most of the education and training is delivered at our purpose-built training facility in Ridleyton, which has parking on-site and provides students with the latest in clinical training facilities and technology.

ANMEC complements the training with online learning and assessment which supports the classroom theory and clinical skills laboratory practice. We also ensure appropriate and supported workplace learning.

ANMEC specialises in seeking placements for students, meaning when you study with us your placement opportunities are arranged for you.

For employers, we also offer the convenience of on-site workforce training and professional development.

Choosing to work in nursing, health, aged and community care may be the best decision you will ever make.

Fulfilling, challenging and rewarding, these jobs can take you anywhere in the world!

Please contact us today at [email protected] to ask about how we can meet your educational needs. Or you can call us on (08) 8334 1908.

Courses Available


ANMEC has a range of policies in place to guide students and protect the interests of the students and educators. The policies cover a range of guidelines about enrolment, learning, and assessment to issues concerning the code of conduct.

We ask that every student and educator reads the policies to understand their rights and obligations as a member of our learning community.

Please note: On enrolment in any ANMEC course, you will be asked to acknowledge by signature that you have read, understood and agree to abide by these policies before you enrol.


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Student Handbook

You will find all the ins and outs about studying at ANMEC within your Student Handbook. Please have a good look through to ensure you are all set to make the most of your study time here.

Remember you will be asked upon enrolment to acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the information contained in this Student Handbook.

You will find your Student Handbook nice and easy to carry around so be sure keep it handy – you never know when you might need it!

Download a copy of the Student Handbook   

Recognition of prior learning

Everyone is entitled to an opportunity to have their skills and knowledge recognised through a recognition of prior learning (RPL) process in order to gain formal qualifications.

All nationally recognised qualifications in Australia are based on demonstrating competence against set criteria. The assessment process is designed to assess evidence of the learning that has occurred, in order to ensure that the requirements of the course or qualification you are seeking recognition in, have been evidenced.

The purpose of this information is to assist you in determining if you may be a candidate for recognition and in addition, to help you compile a portfolio of evidence in order to undertake a recognition assessment.

See 2.6 Recognition of Prior Learning from the ANMEC HERC Policy Manual.