HLTENN040 Administer and Monitor Medicines and Intravenous Therapy - unit

The Australian Health Professional Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) require evidence that Enrolled Nurses have successfully completed medication administration education, to ensure the safe administration of medications.

ENs wishing to remove a notation on their registration or update their qualification to support medication delivery in the workplace must complete the unit of study; HLTENN040 Administer and monitor medicines and intravenous therapy.




Intake 1 - 6th August 2024
Intake 2 - 5th November 2024




Course Duration

Determined by self-directed learning
Expected length of time is 12 weeks

Course Location

This unit is delivered by ANMEC in an online delivery mode including 1 day of face to face attendance. There is an expectation that participants will be practicing within a clinical setting. Collection of workplace evidence of medication administration will be required.

Entry Requirements
RPL for some components may be available for Enrolled Nurses who can demonstrate current skills and knowledge as performed in their workplace.
Applicants must be:
  1. Applicants must be currently registered as an Enrolled Nurse with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and can supply evidence of current and unlimited AHPRA registration;
  2. Must be currently employed and practicing regularly in a clinical environment where a range of medications administration occurs to achieve the skill requirements for this unit;
  3. Must be currently under supervision/direct report of an RN manager who can sign recognition documentation to confirm current clinical practice.
  4. Applicants must supply evidence of Enrolled Nurse qualification, including details of Units of Competency achieved.
Course Cost

$1,300 full cost for ANMFSA member (*Member fees are available only to those who are a current financial member of ANMF(SA) or an affiliated Union for a minimum of 12 months)
$2,300 full cost for non-member


Medication calculation exam, quiz, clinical case studies / simulated documentation, and observed evidence from the workplace of medical administration (varying methods).