Public Sector Update #22 - EB Meeting to be held with Worksite Representatives

20 February 2020

The ANMF (SA Branch) will be holding discussions with Worksite Representatives and members over the coming weeks to discuss the current status of the enterprise agreement negotiations.

These meetings will form an important foundation for the future direction of the EB campaign. It is important that members continue to stand united in order demonstrate to the Marshall Government that you deserve better.

As you know, we have been bargaining for a significant period and the SA Government has not yet provided you with an offer on wages. At this time, they have restated their commitment to pursuing the below three claims as a precondition for any wage increase:

  • Reduction of night shift from 10 to 9.5 hours; and
  • Capping of staffing levels; and
  • Removal of ‘no forced redundancies’ provisions.

This is despite the very strong arguments mounted in support of your claims of maintaining the duration of your night shift and ensuring safe staffing levels and job security.

We have also made clear that the efficiency gains made through staff engaged reforms such as criteria led discharge, patient journey boarding and other changes that enhance the productivity of the system should be sufficient to warrant wage and conditions improvements. This has been rejected by the Marshall Government who seek further, quantifiable and negative (to your existing conditions) outcomes.

It is a reality that without your direct action, we will be unable to influence the position of the SA Marshall Government. Following initial discussions with your Worksite Representatives will be having discussions with the wider membership so all members will have an opportunity to have their say on the next steps.

Nurses and midwives should not be underestimated. We are a strong and powerful group and should be recognised for what we do every day to keep the community safe and well.

Please note that your Employer has advised that meetings regarding industrial issues will not be in paid time.